Kallanica "Kalla"

One to watch! An outstanding addition to a future breeding program as well as an athletic upper level Jumper.
to an International Professional as an Upper Level Jumper prospect
Sire Info: CALLAWAY 4
Calando I-Deadly Nightshade xx-Calypso II 1994 16.1h Bay Holsteiner Warmblood Stallion
A 16.1h Holsteiner stallion by Calando I, Callaway is a blue-blood as far as pedigree is concerned, and is maintaining a dual competitive/breeding career. As Stephens explains, "He loves the girls, so we can't take that away from him. He's all man, and knows he's a stallion, but he's a real gentleman and real competitive. Very controllable and always listens to his rider, a respectful horse."
Callaway 4's Performance Record:
2008 $50,000 Cleveland Grand Prix at The Chagrin Valley Horse Show (Level 9)
2008 4th Place IHP Louise Salter Grand Prix
2008 1st Place IHP Haygard Lex Classic II 2A National at the Kentucky Summer Horse Show
2007 2nd Place 1.50m $20,000 Classic at PBI Inaugural
2007 3rd Place Open Jumper at Devon
2007 4th Place Upperville Welcome Stakes at The Upperville Colt & Horse Show
2007 4th Place Show Day National $15,000 Footing Authority Level 8 Grand Prix
2007 Welcome Stake Level 8 at the Blue Grass Festival
Callaway 4's sire Calando I was champion German show jumper with Karsten Huck in 1984 and thereafter competed in international show jumping for a few more years with Edgar-Henri Cupper for Belgium and Luxemburg. The dam Ozol is the full-sister of the sire Libero (private stallion Bavaria, Hessia), who was a highly successful show jumper. She was furthermore the dam of Freestyle, a Landgraf I daughter, who was named Lalique 2 in Germany and was a successful competition horse with Peter Luther. She won the Aix la Chapelle Grand Prix with Jean Claude Vangeenberghe. The damsire Lord, who was an approvals champion, made breeding history far beyond the confines of Holstein and Germany. Countless show jumping stars such as Livius II / P. Luther, Lyra 20 / H. Luther, Lord Incipit / T. Luther, Loyal 9 / P. Nagel-Tornau, Lugana / St. Lauber and many more are living proof of his prowess as a sire. The granddam state premium mare Kornblume was mated with Ronald to produce the mare Sonnenblume, who in turn gave birth to the two approved stallions Landron B (by Landgraf I; private stallion Bavaria / Italy) and Lordron (by Lord; private stallion Bavaria). The Anglo-Norman Cor de la Bryere who follows in the third generation is one of the most important foundation sires of the post World War II period. He provided sports horses for all disciplines. Anblick xx was the first thoroughbred in Holstein following the Second World War and managed to establish himself firmly in Holstein via 14 approved sons and 50 partially very significant broodmares. His best progeny by far, were the dressage mares Venetia 2 and Antoinette at the Neckermann stables. His progeny were not infrequently however also to be found in the forefront in three-day-eventing and show jumping. Performance bloodline 456 moreover also produced the sires Texas, Marengo, Mahmud, Metellus, Rigoletto, Ulan as well as Cabinett I and II.
Calando I is the broodmare sire of Canturo, Carthgo, Cascavelle, Lord Calando, and Lord Z
PHOTOS OF Callaway 4


Damsire Deadly Nightshade xx

Damsire Deadly Nightshade xx

Sire Calando I

Sire Calando I

Sire Calando I

Sire Calando I