Foal Crop of 2013
Izarra Reina S (Amaretto D'arco x Le Champion x Zeus)
Imari S (Catoki x Diamant Rouge II x Kapoc)

Foal Crop of 2012
Harmonica S (Carolus II x Kaiser de la Cour x Lantaan)
C. Holyoke S (Contendro I x Diamant Rouge II x Kapoc)
Helios S (Calvados x Condios x Ekstein)
High Illuczion S (C. Quito x Alla 'Czar x Chica's Prince xx)

Foal Crop of 2011
Kallanica (Callaway4 x Kaiser de la Cour x Lantaan)
Cantanita S (Olympic Canturo x Ulysses m2s x Olympic Ahorn) *Not for sale
La Czaritza S (Crown Affair x Alla 'Czar x Chica's Prince xx)
Grenache S (Chello III VDL x Ulysses m2s x Calvados)

Foal Crop of 2010
Wyoming S (Willemoes x Ulysses m2s x Olympic Ahorn)
Campai S (Cunningham x Alla 'Czar x Chica's Prince xx)
Filigree (King of Fortune xx x Pursuit of Love xx x Kris xx)

Foal Crop of 2009
Encore (Staging Post xx x Belmopan xx x Belmez xx)

Foal Crop of 2008
Della Joia Bella S (Iron Spring Consul x Condios x Ekstein)
Innocense S (Lotus T x Alla 'Czar x Chica's Prince xx)
Sensei S (Telynau Falcon x Sea of Secrets xx x Cryptoclearance xx)


In-Uteros 2015
K Name: Diamant de Revel x Kaiserin (Kaiser de la Cour x Lantaan)
K Name: Olympic Ahorn x Julia du Brio (Diamant Rouge II x Kapoc)
K Name: Olympic Cardento x Stamroos W (Heartbreaker x Ramiro)
K Name: Olympic Ahorn x Bijin m2s (Ekstein x Cruising)
K Name: Diarado x Quintess (Quidam de Revel x Capitol I)
K Name: Corland x April's Twist (Alla 'Czar x Good News Joe xx)
K Name: Rousseau x Ultra-niki S Z (Ulysses m2s x Calvados)
K Name: Carolus II x Ahme P (Olympic Ahorn x Olympic Ferro)