Sakura Hill Farm LLC. is currently breeding and producing top quality prospects for the Jumper and A-Circuit Hunter Ring. Several Premium, Top-Five National awards and National Championships have been awarded to our mares and youngsters both in the context of Breed Registries as well as horse show circuits.
Our goal is to continue to produce, develop and provide clients with the highest quality young horses able to compete at the top levels without sacrificing budget.
With registration, breeding, travel, training, and basic care expenses to consider, Sakura Hill Farm's budget for a year of breeding to produce next year's foal crop of outstanding youngsters is over $50,000. This figure does not include breed inspection and competition costs for the Sakura Hill Farm youngsters.
Please consider joining the team and becoming a sponsor. There are many different levels of sponsorship to choose from and we would be honored to have you or your company help us as part of our team, in whatever capacity is most attractive to you.
The following is a list of potential Sponsor benefits. As with any agreement, sponsorship contracts will be prepared on an individual basis. If you are interested in further exploring these options with us or have questions, please contact us.
If financial support is not an option but you would like to contribute products or services that you think would be beneficial to our program and would provide you the publicity you wish, please contact to us with questions. that you may have.

Join us in the dream...
Olympic Dream Sponsor ($20,000 or more)
Sakura Hill Farm is currently seeking title sponsors to help us in our quest to provide horses to represent the United States in international competition with top level riders. Please contact Monica directly at m.sakurahillfarm@gmail.com
Grand Prix Sponsor ($10,000 or more)
Company banner displayed at inspection/competitions
Company name displayed on show saddle-pad,coolers, blankets, etc.
Company name displayed on warm-up clothing (jackets, vest, sweaters etc.)
Company/personal name included in monthly newsletters (with over 1,700 recipients).
Use of photographs of Sakura Hill Farm's horses in advertising and promotional materials.
Product endorsement (if applicable).
Website link from Sakura Hill Farm website (www.SakuraHillFarm.com) with over 70,000 hits per year.
Listing on website's Sponsors page
E-mail updates on the farm and its horses' progress.
Listing on our Facebook page (with over 3,500 fans and growing!)
Advertising space on the Sakura Hill Farm website (600 x 200 pixel ad a $150/month value)
Amateur/Owner Sponsor ($1,000 or more)
At the minimum (depending on amount):
Company/Personal name mentioned in monthly newsletters (with over 1,700 recipients).
Website link from Sakura Hill Farm website (www.SakuraHillFarm.com) with over 70,000 hits per year.
Listing on our website's Sponsors page
E-mail updates on the farm and its horses' progress.
Listing on our Facebook page (with over 3,500 fans and growing!)
Advertising space on the Sakura Hill Farm website (600 x 200 pixel ad a $150/month value)
Child/Adult Sponsor ($500 or more)
At the minimum (depending on amount):
Personal/Company name mentioned in monthly newsletters (with over 1,700 recipients.)
Website link from Sakura Hill Farm website (www.SakuraHillFarm.com) with over 70,000 hits per year
Listing on our website's Sponsors page
E-mail updates on the farm and its horses' progress.
Listing on our Facebook page (with over 3,600 fans and growing!)
Grass Roots (You Decide the Amount)
If financial support is not an option, but you would like to contribute products or services that you think would be beneficial to our program and can provide you with publicity please contact to us with questions that you may have.
At the minimum (depending on amount):
Website link from Sakura Hill Farm website (www.SakuraHillFarm.com) with over 70,000 hits per year
E-mail updates on the farm and its horses' progress.
Listing on our website's Sponsors page
Listing on our Facebook page (with over 2,500 fans and growing!)
A Note From Michele, Makoto and Monica:
We understand that not everyone can participate at this time. Your support, words of encouragement, and genuine hope that we continue to produce and provide outstanding youngsters are truly meaningful to us. Thank you for your continued support.
Advertising Opportunities
Advertising on Sakura Hill Farm Website:
Tall advert: $150/month (600x200 pixels) your design
Regular Advert: $100/month (400x200 pixels) your design
Web page placing of advert will depend on availability and be at our discretion.
When advertising on our website, you must agree to the terms of the disclaimer policy below.
Website Stats:
70,000+ website hits a year on average
100+ hits on a daily basis on average